Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Mystery Science Pollinate the Flowers

Mystery Science is amazing! They have a lesson, "Why do Plants Grow Flowers?" and the students loved it! Every lesson starts with background and introduction to vocabulary. They pose a question and then there is a hands-on activity for the students to bring the learning to life.  The students created flowers and we used coffee grounds and cinnamon to use as seeds.  Students then created bees from pipe cleaners and pollinated flowers while buzzing around the room.

After the buzzing around we sat down to make some observations. The students observed coffee grounds and cinnamon on their bees. When asked about that they started with one in their flower and quickly saw that the other brushed when they buzzed other flowers.  Then they looked at the center of their flowers and the sticky stigma-they were amazed at what they saw. It was such a  great aha moment to be a part of with the kids. Great job Mystery Science!

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