Monday, August 24, 2020

Hour of Code

Each year we participate in Hour of Code. It looks different across the grade levels and we are building our program each year. I love reading about other classrooms through blogs and my Twitter feed.  We are constantly learning how STEM fits in to our daily lives and Hour of Code is a perfect fit. Coding with kindergarteners included coming up with a dance routine. We learned some moves and they chose the sequence-with help from random students and off we went. Check out these moves.
In first and second grade we worked with Botlogic to get our robot home. It was so easy to Air Drop this website to students on our iPads. We talked about various ways to get the robot home by creating different paths using arrows. As we progressed the moves became limited by number and obstacles to overcome. It was a great way for children to sequence their moves and perseverance as it got tougher to move through the levels.
The first video above I was pointing to the movements and actually cueing the students on the sequence of moves. First grade made the leap to watching me point and knowing the appropriate moves. It is exciting to see the progression with students K-2 and coding.

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