Sunday, October 18, 2020

Special Area Teacher Assistants

 Our CCE PTA has a BIG event each Spring as a school-wide initiative fund raiser and the highlight is the silent auction. Each teacher and class put together a basket for the silent auction. there are cooking baskets, spa baskets, and even LOTTO baskets to name a few. What is something your school can do that doesn't cost any money but brings in money for the school? Raffle off front seats tot he 5th grade graduation or winter/end of year concert or special area teaching assistants for the day! Each special area is given a teaching assistant for the day and we make it a BIG deal! We have shirts I print up with their names on them. We make name tags and lanyards to look official and we have lunch with all the special area teachers and assistants during lunch. It is such a fun event and the money goes to our PTA to help fund the yearly goals. The students love having the ability to shadow a teacher and lead for the day. Making memories for sure...

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