Thursday, December 24, 2015

Turkey Carving and some beautiful drawings...

Tony Vincent is an #edhero of mine and he used Periscope to highlight his tradition of turkey carving.  You might be thinking how can you turkey carve at school? I did too and made sure to watch the Periscope since it caught my attention.  Tony used a graham cracker and only using your mouth chew a shape of a turkey.  I had to show a few images from Google on what a turkey silhouette would look like and then we got down to business.  
off to a great start...

trying to make it look like a turkey

careful not to crack the graham cracker

like those feather outlines along the top

careful to make sure I am working it the right way

a class engaged in turkey carving

the class is voting on Ms. Clutter's or Mrs. Wright's turkey

We used the directed drawing steps of Pilgrim boy and girls and Native American girls and boys, from and I thought they were the cutest thing ever! I love how different they look and I do believe kid personality came through with the colors, backgrounds, and accessories.  

They were too cute to keep all to ourselves so we ran them over to the Veteran's Nursing Home to brighten their day.  Might need to be a monthly trip.  Thanks First Grade Blue Skies.

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