Monday, January 16, 2012

I have a dream...

     We are off from school today and I asked the kids why. They knew Martin Luther King Jr. was an important man and he wanted everyone to be equal. So we talked about his life and what he dreamed for... It was unimaginable to the kids when I talked about people not getting along, using separate bathrooms, and not even talking to one another because of the color of their skin. We talked about Martin Luther King's dream and how one day it would be different.   
     I have known since I was 8 and in the 4th grade that I wanted to be a teacher and a mommy. I am thankful each day to have lived my dream. I have the best job in the world where I am surrounded by little friends. I am married to the most amazing man and we are raising 2 of the most fabulous little people ever! Thank goodness for dreams. I asked the kids to think of their dreams. We dressed up and wrote about our dreams. I saw it on Pinterest and these are the cutest things ever! I am excited to be surrounded by future scientists, chefs, waitresses, Nascar drivers, nurses, police officers, vets, baseball and football players, and a mommy. What a way to spend my days, with all the future looking brighter and brighter.

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